home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- := 0;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- WaitToGo;
- end; { UserLineStylePlay }
- procedure SayGoodbye;
- { Say goodbye and then exit the program }
- var
- ViewInfo : ViewPortType;
- begin
- MainWindow('');
- GetViewSettings(ViewInfo);
- SetTextStyle(TriplexFont, HorizDir, 4);
- SetTextJustify(CenterText, CenterText);
- with ViewInfo do
- OutTextXY((x2-x1) div 2, (y2-y1) div 2, 'That''s all folks!');
- StatusLine('Press any key to quit...');
- repeat until KeyPressed;
- end; { SayGoodbye }
- PROCEDURE SelectMode;
- choice1,choice2 : CHAR;
- xsize,ysize : WORD;
- (* Let's select a mode *)
- ClrScr;
- WriteLn('VESADEMO:');
- WriteLn('1. 256 colors');
- WriteLn('2. 32768 colors');
- WriteLn('3. 65536 colors');
- WriteLn('4. 16777216 colors');
- WriteLn('Q uit');
- WriteLn;
- Write('Your choice: ');
- ReadLn(choice1);
- IF choice1 <> '1' THEN BEGIN
- WriteLn('Sorry !');
- WriteLn('This demo wasn''t written for more as 256 colors !');
- WriteLn('You would only get a limited impression of the Hi-& TrueColor modes...');
- WriteLn('Switching to 256 colors.');
- choice1 := '1';
- END;
- UNTIL choice1 IN ['1'..'4','q'];
- IF choice1 = 'q' THEN Halt;
- WriteLn;
- WriteLn;
- WriteLn('a. 320x200');
- WriteLn('b. 640x480');
- WriteLn('c. 800x600');
- WriteLn('d. 1024x768');
- WriteLn('e. 1280x1024');
- WriteLn('Q uit');
- WriteLn;
- Write('Your choice: ');
- ReadLn(choice2);
- UNTIL choice2 IN ['a'..'e','q'];
- IF choice2 = 'q' THEN Halt;
- CASE choice2 OF
- 'a' : BEGIN
- xsize := 320;
- ysize := 200;
- END;
- 'b' : BEGIN
- xsize := 640;
- ysize := 480;
- END;
- 'c' : BEGIN
- xsize := 800;
- ysize := 600;
- END;
- 'd' : BEGIN
- xsize := 1024;
- ysize := 768;
- END;
- 'e' : BEGIN
- xsize := 1280;
- ysize := 1024;
- END;
- END;
- CASE choice1 OF
- '1' : mode := FindVesaMode(xsize,ysize,8);
- '2' : mode := FindVesaMode(xsize,ysize,15);
- '3' : mode := FindVesaMode(xsize,ysize,16);
- '4' : mode := FindVesaMode(xsize,ysize,24);
- END;
- IF mode = 0 THEN BEGIN
- WriteLn('No such mode could be found !');
- WriteLn('Switching to to 320x200.');
- ReadKey;
- mode := V320x200x256;
- END;
- END;
- begin { program body }
- SelectMode;
- Initialize;
- ReportStatus;
- { AspectRatioPlay; }
- FillEllipsePlay;
- SectorPlay;
- WriteModePlay;
- ColorPlay;
- { PalettePlay only intended to work on these drivers: }
- if (GraphDriver = EGA) or
- (GraphDriver = EGA64) or
- (GraphDriver = VGA) then
- PalettePlay;
- PutPixelPlay;
- { PutImagePlay; }
- RandBarPlay;
- BarPlay;
- Bar3DPlay;
- ArcPlay;
- CirclePlay;
- PiePlay;
- LineToPlay;
- LineRelPlay;
- { LineStylePlay; }
- { UserLineStylePlay; }
- TextDump;
- TextPlay;
- CrtModePlay;
- FillStylePlay;
- FillPatternPlay;
- PolyPlay;
- SayGoodbye;
- { CloseGraph; }
- CloseVesa;
- end.
- ***************************************************
- '****************************************************************∞╥≤c≤*φè#^│v/╒:j═φ0t+l▓ô"¬"g└≡?%ªêΣ│H╫½╫╜├¿U'╒⌐⌡ ßV?╩¬ujOΦçEZ1∞▐!▄B╛Σ8║æ]1GlNÜ┐q▌▓;ô$ΦzE<cª*bEô#ä╧ñÅ"∩─LrdaÖ╠º╫a^¥£å╬1~)@ëÖMδ╫0═6DäFê¬Çv┼ß╨kæpτ╪É)}ª 1w3╤╧ü⌡¥╓h▓╣≈ïÅaÑ[TⁿHqªÉ╝DKÄ─Y-∞tT╤Θ╨º╟╪.*ÇI9lΦ≈{πτcσ$τπßoFr╪╨∩┼╞╟;O2■e²LÜ4^N|╪½ÅO?╔°FOz`╟╟╟'<>>π$πΘù6·Xgî╖│°oîδπGƒd╝▀░?■╪╔_9L ⌡ôⁿq'æO▀ƒn4╔▀╚▄┼3pτ.òO°·}÷╕ⁿ±'æO?ít│!√8ßÑ≤/┐╣p┼≥┘E╦Vox╕cΦé5╟╚º╙$?√$≥ΘZεsî≡åìΓpKù¢ïß X╥ 9╞≈\µk┤O¥_ 5Üö\≤éÄ┌╤A[╤ÿáï┼éNⁿÅu16 g,%hc╙╨cD╨Vï┘R¢öKñR;8εáΣ╢╪ós╤π╡á└èxgzPÄMú╫yαºÉ+σJ¢i+▓â3╥ ═Ñ╙î^ºG▓█ πér φçs %#(╗⌠?┼%u8≡6+QÉ))ò)Afw≈╣╪)B&4░åLXV:δät@Å.;5Φf╢Ät┐ΣJ╫─U8úÇ╟éö£╕p╔┴⌠vg╨╬╥é÷╪╣┬ΓI.ç≡^v╤ZΦÇ& ╒┌6ñô6Xß Nè╡╬E₧Ñ
- kIº╠▄A+╣╥éb²tæ-Y¡½αÑa═uuîÇ╢αêvhuª╡SÅ┤vèùú¥F;p<d⌐/F─d█éT%▓KΦû=q■öI┐┐╠6S$▒÷╚ENΩ¥Fû9╔┌R'╝ ╧φ└?g┬j▓0═/b╖₧─mûé╢┌»ÿÄë/·<éò■░╤╟╢├Xσ:╥P3Θ"╬Læsφ░┌öSö!╗¿*mN£WΣÇ£┤~#╗ææ≥RΩóh:à▌.æ≈╕▌v£äàd▒à╒├=░╖π║$howeg*╬ 6ù▄ƒô╕φ░Ö╢qΘD>(w@úKεHÆ╛öúΣU
- éÜR╔╤W▄èê 2M%ó.▓SNÖA1ùJE╢║l]▓¿>\%└Å4ßO▄£â⌐& ê/)8vSP▀▓ôⁿææ√ü√ÑÄa⌠â╚4S╓╟P-?Σá╕▓Næ*q╡UΘ▓≈ ^ñ·I.rúR&$Y^╚%è≡B┌≈Ceat
- Color := RandColor;
- SetColor(Color);
- SetFillStyle(Random(CloseDotFill)+1, Color);
- Bar3D(Random(MaxWidth), Random(MaxHeight),
- Random(MaxWidth), Random(MaxHeight), 0, TopOff);
- until KeyPressed;
- WaitToGo;
- end; { RandBarPlay }
- procedure ArcPlay;
- { Draw random arcs on the screen }
- var
- MaxRadius : word;
- EndAngle : word;
- ArcInfo : ArcCoordsType;
- begin
- MainWindow('Arc / GetArcCoords demonstration');
- StatusLine('Esc aborts or press a key');
- MaxRadius := MaxY div 10;
- repeat
- SetColor(RandColor);
- EndAngle := Random(360);
- SetLineStyle(SolidLn, 0, NormWidth);
- Arc(Random(MaxX), Random(MaxY), Random(EndAngle), EndAngle, Random(MaxRadius));
- GetArcCoords(ArcInfo);
- with ArcInfo do
- begin
- Line(X, Y, XStart, YStart);
- Line(X, Y, Xend, Yend);
- end;
- until KeyPressed;
- WaitToGo;
- end; { ArcPlay }
- procedure PutPixelPlay;
- { Demonstrate the PutPixel and GetPixel commands }
- const
- Seed = 1962; { A seed for the random number generator }
- NumPts = 2000; { The number of pixels plotted }
- Esc = #27;
- var
- I : word;
- X, Y, Color : word;
- XMax, YMax : integer;
- ViewInfo : ViewPortType;
- begin
- MainWindow('PutPixel / GetPixel demonstration');
- StatusLine('Esc aborts or press a key...');
- GetViewSettings(ViewInfo);
- with ViewInfo do
- begin
- XMax := (x2-x1-1);
- YMax := (y2-y1-1);
- end;
- while not KeyPressed do
- begin
- { Plot random pixels }
- RandSeed := Seed;
- I := 0;
- while (not KeyPressed) and (I < NumPts) do
- begin
- Inc(I);
- PutPixel(Random(XMax)+1, Random(YMax)+1, RandColor);
- end;
- { Erase pixels }
- RandSeed := Seed;
- I := 0;
- while (not KeyPressed) and (I < NumPts) do
- begin
- Inc(I);
- X := Random(XMax)+1;
- Y := Random(YMax)+1;
- Color := GetPixel(X, Y);
- if Color = RandColor then
- PutPixel(X, Y, 0);
- end;
- end;
- WaitToGo;
- end; { PutPixelPlay }
- procedure PutImagePlay;
- { Demonstrate the GetImage and PutImage commands }
- const
- r = 20;
- StartX = 100;
- StartY = 50;
- var
- CurPort : ViewPortType;
- procedure MoveSaucer(var X, Y : integer; Width, Height : integer);
- var
- Step : integer;
- begin
- Step := Random(2*r);
- if Odd(Step) then
- Step := -Step;
- X := X + Step;
- Step := Random(r);
- if Odd(Step) then
- Step := -Step;
- Y := Y + Step;
- { Make saucer bounce off viewport walls }
- with CurPort do
- begin
- if (x1 + X + Width - 1 > x2) then
- X := x2-x1 - Width + 1
- else
- if (X < 0) then
- X := 0;
- if (y1 + Y + Height - 1 > y2) then
- Y := y2-y1 - Height + 1
- else
- if (Y < 0) then
- Y := 0;
- end;
- end; { MoveSaucer }
- var
- Pausetime : word;
- Saucer : pointer;
- X, Y : integer;
- ulx, uly : word;
- lrx, lry : word;
- Size : word;
- I : word;
- begin
- ClearDevice;
- FullPort;
- { PaintScreen }
- ClearDevice;
- MainWindow('GetImage / PutImage Demonstration');
- StatusLine('Esc aborts or press a key...');
- GetViewSettings(CurPort);
- { DrawSaucer }
- Ellipse(StartX, StartY, 0, 360, r, (r div 3)+2);
- Ellipse(StartX, StartY-4, 190, 357, r, r div 3);
- Line(StartX+7, StartY-6, StartX+10, StartY-12);
- Circle(StartX+10, StartY-12, 2);
- Line(StartX-7, StartY-6, StartX-10, StartY-12);
- Circle(StartX-10, StartY-12, 2);
- SetFillStyle(SolidFill, MaxColor);
- FloodFill(StartX+1, StartY+4, GetColor);
- { ReadSaucerImage }
- ulx := StartX-(r+1);
- uly := StartY-14;
- lrx := StartX+(r+1);
- lry := StartY+(r div 3)+3;
- Size := ImageSize(ulx, uly, lrx, lry);
- GetMem(Saucer, Size);
- GetImage(ulx, uly, lrx, lry, Saucer^);
- { PutImage(ulx, uly, Saucer^, XORput); { erase image }
- { Plot some "stars" }
- for I := 1 to 1000 do
- PutPixel(Random(MaxX), Random(MaxY), RandColor);
- X := MaxX div 2;
- Y := MaxY div 2;
- PauseTime := 70;
- { Move the saucer around }
- repeat
- { PutImage(X, Y, Saucer^, XORput); { draw image }
- Delay(PauseTime);
- { PutImage(X, Y, Saucer^, XORput); { erase image }
- MoveSaucer(X, Y, lrx - ulx + 1, lry - uly + 1); { width/height }
- until KeyPressed;
- FreeMem(Saucer, size);
- WaitToGo;
- end; { PutImagePlay }
- procedure PolyPlay;
- { Draw random polygons with random fill styles on the screen }
- const
- MaxPts = 5;
- type
- PolygonType = array[1..MaxPts] of PointType;
- var
- Poly : PolygonType;
- I, Color : word;
- begin
- MainWindow('FillPoly demonstration');
- StatusLine('Esc aborts or press a key...');
- repeat
- Color := RandColor;
- SetFillStyle(Random(11)+1, Color);
- SetColor(Color);
- for I := 1 to MaxPts do
- with Poly[I] do
- begin
- X := Random(MaxX);
- Y := Random(MaxY);
- end;
- FillPoly(MaxPts, Poly);
- until KeyPressed;
- WaitToGo;
- end; { PolyPlay }
- procedure FillStylePlay;
- { Display all of the predefined fill styles available }
- var
- Style : word;
- Width : word;
- Height : word;
- X, Y : word;
- I, J : word;
- ViewInfo : ViewPortType;
- procedure DrawBox(X, Y : word);
- begin
- SetFillStyle(Style, MaxColor);
- with ViewInfo do
- Bar(X, Y, X+Width, Y+Height);
- Rectangle(X, Y, X+Width, Y+Height);
- OutTextXY(X+(Width div 2), Y+Height+4, Int2Str(Style));
- Inc(Style);
- end; { DrawBox }
- begin
- MainWindow('Pre-defined fill styles');
- GetViewSettings(ViewInfo);
- with ViewInfo do
- begin
- Width := 2 * ((x2+1) div 13);
- Height := 2 * ((y2-10) div 10);
- end;
- X := Width div 2;
- Y := Height div 2;
- Style := 0;
- for J := 1 to 3 do
- begin
- for I := 1 to 4 do
- begin
- DrawBox(X, Y);
- Inc(X, (Width div 2) * 3);
- end;
- X := Width div 2;
- Inc(Y, (Height div 2) * 3);
- end;
- SetTextJustify(LeftText, TopText);
- WaitToGo;
- end; { FillStylePlay }
- procedure FillPatternPlay;
- { Display some user defined fill patterns }
- const
- Patterns : array[0..11] of FillPatternType = (
- ($AA, $55, $AA, $55, $AA, $55, $AA, $55 üÖü üÖü !BBäx !! !BBäx !BBäx " ""DDêp ""DDêp >